Sunday Roundup: November 17

First I wanted to thank everyone who entered my 4th year blog anniversary giveaway last week. I appreciate all of your kind words about the blog. I felt so much love! Congrats to Bev, Jaime, Mary and Mary. I’ll be mailing those giveaways this week. Thanks again everyone for helping me celebrate!

Just a few things going on this week. I’ve cut up some of my sun printed canvas material and drill cloth and made into flags for a Prayer Flag class tomorrow that will be taught by Teresa at East. I’m not sure how I am going to embellish them, but look forward to playing with the art girls.

prayer flag blanksHere is a sneak peak of a project I’m working on.

african inspired print

And a project that is almost done. Hope to post about this by Thanksgiving.

colors pageMeanwhile, Dave and I continued a tradition yesterday, driving to Ferdinand Indiana for their annual Christkindlmarkt. This is a two-day event with music, food, and lots of craft and antique vendors in six different locations in this small town. Our main reason traveling 45 minutes was to buy some cookies from the Sisters of St. Benedict. Their claim to fame is their delicious springerles, but we also love their Almerle Cookies (almond springerles), Hildegard and Ginger Snaps. But you don’t have to travel there to buy them. You can order from their website!

We also bought this kitty from one of the craft vendors, Ruth’s Quilted Creations.

KittySeveral years ago we purchased an angel from her. The angel sits on our mantle all year long. What is interesting about Ruth’s work is that all of her pieces are made out of old quilts or bedspreads. This year she was featuring snow men, but we really liked the kitties with their puffy cheeks!

Well, that’s about it for the week. It’s unbelievably warm out this morning. We had a storm last night, but we’re being told that our weather will get rough this afternoon with the possibility of tornadoes. I hope it’s less “exciting” in your neck of the woods. Have a great Sunday!