Happy Acres Colors

Everything is really popping here. I took several pictures in the past week and before I’ve had time to post, everything has changed.

Last year I posted an iris count. Not sure I’ll do that this year, but will show you what’s blooming.

But before I do that, yesterday was Demo Days at the Master Gardeners’ Display Garden. There were four classes including the one hubby taught on growing veggies in Southwestern Indiana. It was a cold and rainy day, but wasn’t too bad in the cabin.

SWIMGA Demo Days
Dave speaking at SWIMGA Demo Days

Check out his planters of lettuce. We’ve been eating lots of it including lunch today!

Here are two of my irises that are blooming.

Cherry Pop
Cherry Pop

This is always the first one to appear. It’s a dwarf.

Last year Kris, my master gardener friend, gave me several dwarfs for my collection. This is Cat’s Eye.

Cat's Eye
Cat's Eye

For the past week and a half I’ve been picking asparagus every day. We sure have been enjoying it.

Asparagus Picking
Asparagus Picking

The blueberries are really doing great this year. The one that Ike uprooted has finally come back. If the weather cooperates we will have a great harvest.


I’m real excited about the cherries this season. We have an old tree that came with the house and then we planted three. One of the three we planted died and the other two have been growing slowly. Anyway, one of the two is full of blossoms. Can’t wait!

Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms

Then Dave planted two Pawpaw trees.

Pawpaw Tree
Pawpaw Tree

Outside my window is this beautiful ornamental Kwanzan cherry tree.

Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms

And then the old fashion lilac.


Around the front of the house are the tulips that the deers have left alone. Maybe they don’t like white!


The hostas look beautiful this time of the year. Then in July I’m ready to pull them all out!

Albo Marginata Hostas

Within a week I won’t be able to see this cat. They grow so fast and so large.

More hostas
More hostas

Then inside nothing much has changed – well, maybe! Sidd and Puddin rarely sit together, but here they are. Puddin doesn’t look too happy.

Sidd and Puddin
Sidd and Puddin

And Shel loves to sleep on this toy when she’s not pacing the kitchen for food and/or attention.


Well, that’s all for now. Don’t you just love spring?