Marbling over previously dyed fabric

In the past two marbling posts I showed you how to marble, and then three different looks. In this post I’ll show you how the marbling looks over previously dyed fabric.

Some of my finished marbled pieces
Marbling over previously dyed fabric

This is a piece of the commercially-dyed fabric that my friend Donna gave me.

Commercially dyed fabric
Commercially dyed fabric

Now, here it is marbled.



Here is another piece where I used more red.



 The following piece was my last piece for this marbling session so I dropped all of the remaining paint into the bath.  It turned out to be one of my favorites. You can see the large white circle area that was part of the fabric.

The very last piece done
The very last piece done

Now for a piece of fabric I dyed blue green awhile back. I didn’t have an extra piece left so this is a picture of the back of the marbled piece. Ignore the circles which is the marbling bleeding through to the back.

This gives you an idea of what the original fabric looked like
This gives you an idea of what the original fabric looked like.



Here is a closeup of another piece using that fabric.


Then to the next piece of fabric. This was the one that I had dyed and then stamped over with wood fabric stamps, an orange, and an apple.

Finished stamping with wood carved stamps
Original dyed and stamped material

Now marbled over.



The following one has more green added to it and it was also one of my favorite pieces.

Marbling over the ice dyed fabric with wood fabric stamping

So from this experiment I found that those pieces that are marbled over previously dyed fabric are much more interesting. Also, colors look different on different backgrounds.

I am looking forward to going through my stash of dyed fabric and marbling again. Also, I want to try marbling over previously marbled material. But first I want to make something with some of these pieces for our livingroom. This has been such a fun technique with much more experimentation to come.

Check out Off The Wall Friday posts that I’ve linked to. Some great stuff!